Our Products

Our vinegars are sourced from Italy and are made up of 80% grape must and 20% red or white wine vinegar. The result – a thick, sweet product with a smooth finish. It’s the perfect balance of sweet and bitter, acidity, density and viscosity.

Our olive oils come from Tunisia, the northernmost county in Africa. Tunisia is covered with olive trees, many of which are hundreds of years old. The country has grown olive trees since before Christ. Our oils are made from olives that have been dry-farmed, meaning the only water they get is from the sky. They are harvested by hand to produce a smooth and buttery oil that can be infused with a variety of flavors.

We also offer a variety of pickled goods and other hand packed products based on healthy and tasty recipes. Each jar promises a quality experience for your tastebuds. The end result is a delicious offering at a competitive price.

Give us a try. We promise you will love it!

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Office location

Locust, North Carolina

Give us a call

(704) 747-8267

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[email protected]